Insights from “The Red War on the Family” (1922)

Insights from “The Red War on the Family” (1922)

Red War

“Monogamic marriage, with divorce granted only for good and sufficient reasons and not because one or both of the parties directly concerned tire of the union and desire a change, is the sheet anchor of our civilization, and anyone who seeks to injure or destroy such time-honored and respected institution must be regarded and treated as a foe to civilization.” (p. 118)

“In the paragraphs we have quoted from Engels we have […] the promise to those pulsating with sex love, who ever hunger after forbidden sex fruits, that along with the new economic conditions socialism will cause the fruition of their fondest sex hopes, and they will be permitted to satisfy their sexual cravings to satiety.” (pp. 31-32)


“Prostitution, that vile traffic in women, entailing, as it does, the prostitution of women’s noblest functions to the bases possible purposes, has never been glorified, even indirectly, in modern times, except by socialist or feminist writers.” (p. 36)

“Though denied again and again by the slick socialist apologists, the student of socialism can not help but come to the conclusion that community of property necessarily and logically involves community of women.” (p. 47)

“The long, rakish craft that plies the political seas, flying at its masthead the blood-red flag of riot and revolution, in like manner considers it necessary at times to appear as other than it really is. Its flag undergoes a transformation, appearing for the moment as the symbol of the brotherhood of men; the motley crew appears in other and more favorable guise; the assaults upon property by the syndicalist and I.W.W. corps, the sappers and miners of the socialist army, upon religion and morals, evolved in the countless centuries to their present stage, upon the most sacred and cherished institutions of men, the better to deceive the progressive elements of society and enlist the support of all who make war on the evils that menace society ceases for a time, again to be taken up when conditions become more favorable.” (p. 49)


“In [a] socialist age—to the men and some women afflicted with sexual lust—the man who conceives a momentary sexual passion for his neighbor’s daughter merely goes through the mummeries of a socialist mariage, or an agreement is entered into without being recorded by a socialist functionary, and the maid is his for as long or short a period as he may desire. When he tires of her charms, when the other party to the contract ceases to please, when, perchance, broken on the matrimonial wheel, she loses that which made the man a willing captive in other days, or when his sex lust lights on another victim, the law affords him the means to dispense with his now irksome matrimonial burdens, to throw aside the old wife and take on the new, and to repeat—to him—such pleasant experience until he becomes thoroughly sated.” (p. 50)

“The peoples of Rome, Greece, Egypt, and of other of the ancient countries also fretted and chafed under the restraints upon their passions imposed by laws of church and state, and demanded and in some measure secured material modification of what to them were onerous laws. […] Men and women were emancipated from conjugal ties, were in a measure freed from shackling bonds wisely ordained during the flood time of their nations’ careers, and physical and moral enervation and degeneration resulted.  […] Men became more effeminate and women more masculine—that is, to the extent of acquiring the vices and not the virtues of the other sex.” (pp. 126-127)

“Those foolish women who ever hearken to the siren voices of the preachers of sex liberty, who would that men and women should have the widest range of sexual liberty, would do well to heed the fact that the laws of society they ever decry are made to protect women more than men—yes; even from themselves and the consequences of yielding to their unholy desires.” (p. 130)

Socialists 2

“Women are radically different than men, not only in external appearance but temperamentally and psychically. Women’s mind runs in a different channel, her impulses are different, her affections take an entirely different turn from men. One of our philosophers asserted that ‘man has sex; woman is sex.’ We see the truth of this assertion on every side, else we hopelessly are blind.” (p. 131)

– Compiled by Jay Gabler