Evolution of a Facebook Note

Evolution of a Facebook Note

A Facebook note is like a tiny protozoa, efficient and self-contained until time and the Internet Rules of Increased Specificity eventually force its evolution into something morbid, grotesque, and understood by very few people, like if Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity overdosed on Ben and Jerry’s and fell off a fifteen story building.


15 fictional characters that will stay with me.

15 fictional characters I’d like to get drunk with.

15 fictional characters I’d love to get wasted with.

15 fictional characters with whom I’d like to get fucking wasted.

15 fictional characters with whom I’d just like to hang.

15 fictional characters loosely based on real people I’d like to discuss economic policy with.

15 fictional characters whose first names begin with the same letter as mine that I would trust to babysit my dog.

15 real people who would make great fictional characters with the addition of a crippling drug addiction.

15 fictional characters I would have liked to see headbutt that Little House on the Prairie bitch Nellie Oleson.

15 fictional characters that would probably cry after sex.

15 fictional characters that, given the choice between Lady Gaga and Snookie, would fuck Snookie and punch Lady Gaga in the face.

15 fictional characters I’d like to attempt to share a large pair of pants with, just to see if I can.

Katie Sisneros
